Thursday 10:00 AM SETUP and load-in begin 4:00 PM REGISTRATION OPENS Registration will be poolside again. Get your preprinted badges. Or register in line via the website 6:00 PM Chili Cookoff - by You The Hut. Bring a vat of chili or your favorite chili fixin’s, or just yourself. Judging starts at 6PM, ‘ the line starts moving soon after.
Friday 10:00 AM REGISTRATION OPENS Registration will be open at the TOP of every hour for 10 minutes or until the line is gone 4:30 PM - 8:00 PM Totally Baked Food Truck -front entrance of the hotel 5:00 PM ART SHOW Opens 6:00 PM Trivia hosted by Eric EMoney Severs in the Basement (DUNGEON) 8:00 PM Mario Cart/Smash Bros On the stage in the Atrium
Rumor has it Con Crashers are crashing the such, no time announced.
8:00 PM NOSFERATROLL - Hosted by The Hallway Troll Syndicate RM 218
9:00 PM XERP Party hosted by Xerps in Room 222
9:00 PM PUSSY GALORE -party hosted by the Amazons in Room 209
Saturday 7:00 -10:00 AM The Jukebox Experience: Breakfast food truck out front of the hotel 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM and beyond TIN ROOF COFFEE out front 10:00 AM ART SHOW reopens in the Dungeon
11:00 AM Vulcan Yoga - Hosted by Debo in the Dungeon
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Vendor Faire in the Dungeon 4:00 PM Costume Contest Registration & Judging 4:30 PM Wrap & Roll food truck dinner service until 8PM ++ Our favorite truck will also be bringing a few extra desserts so be sure to patronize!! 5:00 PM Faire must be completely cleared out by 5PM 5:00 PM Costume Contest SHOW -Atrium 7:00 PM Art Auction Dungeon (Basement)
8:30 PM The THREEPIOS!!! will return to the DUNGEON
9:00 PM Mages & Mercenaries present "A Delicious in Dungeon Mocktail Extravaganza" - Party by The Harrells in RM 211 (maybe 201)
9:30 PM The BUNNIES218
10:00 PM Kraken The Wall - Kraken Crue in the Atrium